Information Systems

experts in executive interim management




[ Proven methods ]

Our approach

AXCEL Partners helps its clients carry out their information technology projects in support of the IS or business functions. We draw on the experience of a pool of rapidly available experts to lead implementation teams.

Fast, even radical, changes within companies and their increasingly massive use of information technologies are having a strong impact on the IT function.

Whether the IS organisation needs to deal with cyber-attack threats, move IT production towards cloud/Saas models or lead complex projects under heavy constraints, or, more simply, replace an IS manager at short notice, these are key tasks the company must carry out and manage within an ambitious schedule and with scarce competencies.

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Our achievements

Our client's ERP project never really got off the ground, and suffered from poorly mobilised teams. In eight months, during the COVID pandemic, the situation was completely turned around with a detailed project plan renegotiated with the publisher-integrator. All of the work packages were staffed, and the overall project was managed using collaborative tools that allowed daily reporting.

ERP Program Management
Small series - France

Energy market regulatons impose divesting some activities. Within this perimeter, our client needs to carve-out its information systems. The new target IS and the project plan were drawn up in four months and the project was launched in time to meet regulatory obligations.

Carve-out of Information Systems
Energy industry - France

Dépassé par son principal concurrent européen sur le marché du B2B, notre client a pour priorité de refondre son activité commerciale et de mettre en place un CRM unifié. Dans le cadre de la gestion du projet, nous menons le développement d'une solution en mode SaaS avec un premier pilote déployé en six mois. La généralisation de la solution et le début du déploiement ont commencé neuf mois plus tard et ont permis à l'opérateur de reconquérir des parts de marché sur son concurrent.

CRM programme management
Telecommunications - France & Europe
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