Why a transition manager for a start-up ?

Meeting: Executive Interim Manager in a startup, Michel Rouilleault shares his experience An executive interim manager for 15 years, this engineer with an X – ENST and MIT diploma has carried out several missions for innovative companies for which he has enabled the creation or maintenance of functions such as General Manager, Technical Director or […]

Industrial startups and risk management: when the interim manager is the solution

Feedback from Franck Lecoq, Managing Partner at AXCEL Partners. With the reindustrialization programs in Europe, the choice of interim management is convincing more and more managers of innovative companies who are seeking to reconcile rapid development of the company with risk management, and thus reassure investors. How can this strong market trend be explained? What […]

Pourquoi un Manager de Transition dans une Startup ?

Rencontre avec Michel Rouilleault, manager de transition qui témoigne de son expérience en startup Manager de Transition depuis 15 ans, cet ingénieur de formation X – ENST et diplômé du MIT a réalisé plusieurs missions pour des sociétés innovantes pour lesquelles il a permis la création ou le maintien de fonctions comme Directeur Général, Directeur […]

Startups industrielles et gestion des risques : quand le Manager de Transition est la solution

Retour d’expérience de Franck Lecoq, Managing Partners chez AXCEL Partners. Avec les programmes de réindustrialisation en Europe, le choix du management de transition convainc toujours plus de dirigeants d’entreprises innovantes qui cherchent à concilier développement rapide de l’entreprise et gestion des risques, et rassurer ainsi les investisseurs. Comment expliquer cette tendance forte du marché ? Quelles […]

Introduction à la transformation numérique : 6- Impact sur l’organisation

De même que la transformation numérique a un impact humain, c’est aussi le cas en ce qui concerne les organisations.  par Giandomenico Rivetti, Lars Dittmann Dans cette série d’articles, nous avons discuté de la différence entre les entreprises au modèle économique classique et celles qui ont une approche plus innovante. Dans les montages traditionnels, les […]

Introduzione alla Trasformazione Digitale: 6- Impatto sull’organizzazione?

  La trasformazione digitale influenza le persone e le loro competenze, ma pure l’organizzazione aziendale. Giandomenico Rivetti, Lars Dittmann In questa serie di articoli abbiamo discusso la differenza tra modelli di business tradizionali e moderni. Nei modelli tradizionali le aziende mettono a disposizione le proprie risorse per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti, mentre i modelli […]

Introduction to digital transformation: 6- Impact on the organization ?

  As the digital transformation impacts individuals, it does the same to organizations. by Giandomenico Rivetti, Lars Dittmann In these series of articles, we have discussed the difference between traditional and modern business models. In traditional set-ups, producers are offering their assets to satisfy customer needs, whilemodern business models are designed starting from customer needs. […]

Introduzione alla Trasformazione Digitale: 5- L’influenza sulle competenze

  La trasformazione digitale ha influenza sulle competenze delle persone che lavorano nelle nostre aziende e allo stesso tempo le persone influenzano la trasformazione. Giandomenico Rivetti, Lars Dittmann La cultura aziendale può essere definita come un insieme di valori, obiettivi, atteggiamenti e pratiche condivisi che caratterizzano un’organizzazione. Il settore di attività in cui l’azienda opera […]

Introduction to digital transformation: 5- Impact on people

  The digital transformation impacts people in your team while at the same time the people impact the transformation. by Giandomenico Rivetti, Lars Dittmann Company culture can be defined as a set of shared values, goals, attitudes, and practices that characterize an organization. The business sector you are operating in and the way you go […]

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